miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015


I'm so proud to be from Romania. Television, radio and newspaper make lot of people think that Romania is a place full of thieves, poor people and that kind of bullshit. I wanna make you change this thought...so let's talk about romanian's music: We may look those orrible things, but you can't deny that rpmanian artists make good music. Here goes a tracklist with one song of allof them. 
[ If you like the first song, think about the others songs they made ;) ] 
1_Alexandra Stan


3_Alex Valea

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

Dime y lo olvido, enséñame y lo recuerdo, involúcrame y lo aprendo. Motivación estudiar. ¡¡¡Ánimo!!!

# Aprender sin reflexionar es malgastar la energía.
# Lo que con mucho trabajo se adquiere, más se ama.
# Hay la misma diferencia entre un sabio y un ignorante que entre un hombre vivo y un cadáver.